Configuring Your Marketing Formula

Blog // 05.31.2022 // Configuring Your Marketing Formula

How fast did you decide to read this post? Our brains’ ability to process information is a mere 13 milliseconds. Potential customers and technology evaluate your messaging with the same quickness. How your business rises to the top of customers’ minds and the top of a Google search comes down to strategy. 

So, we broke down the research from over 1,500 marketers and combined them into one approach to success. Here are three actionable takeaways from Hubspot’s 2021 State of Marketing report.

Personalize your content

To differentiate from the competition, marketers are building brand presence. 82% of companies surveyed employ content marketing. Video is the main form of media marketers use, with blogs and infographics next. Now it’s easier than ever to share and have your content seen. Engage potential customers where they are — on their screens.   

Ask yourself:   

  • Who is my target audience and what content will catch their attention?   
  • Is it a blog post on your industry’s latest trends?   
  • Is it a video showing similar customers communicating or participating with your brand?   

By providing engaging entertainment or knowledge-based content, customers and prospects are more likely to remember. They will recall how you made them smile, learn or be inspired. Creating relevant content for your audience expands their association with you. The association you establish keeps you top of mind.

Humanize your social media

To build consumer relationships, marketers are communicating conversationally on social media. More than 80% utilize social media as a marketing channel for their business. Instagram is the No. 1 platform marketers use, with Facebook and Twitter next. The goal with their posts is not to be one-sided in interaction. What motivates people to engage is if they find your posts personable and relatable.    

To instill the human element into your social media, we recommend:    

  • Showing humanity — Tell your business story and show off your team.    
  • Inserting personality — Avoid marketing lingo; use your humor instead.    
  • Engaging audience — Interact with your audience, respond to comments and likes.    

When consumers open social media, they aren’t looking for corporate messaging. Think of yourself; why do you open social media? Is it to be sold to or is it to be entertained or catch up with friends? Would you connect with an account lacking authenticity?   

Optimize your website

To increase leads, online marketers are improving their search engine optimization. 75% of marketers believe SEO helps achieve their marketing goals. Keyword rankings are the most prominent way they measure SEO, followed by organic traffic and time spent on their website. SEO is all about improving the quantity and quality of website traffic. By adjusting your website content, your business can rank high in the search results.

Employ the following strategies to your web presence:  

  • Strategic keywords — Implement words and phrases that define your industry and consumers.
  • Localizations — Adapt your content to your consumer’s location.
  • Mobile optimization — Ensure your website is customizable for every device. 

Making minor adjustments to your SEO may seem insignificant. However, marginal improvements compile over time. The more you work on the performance of your website, the better the interaction. Tailor your website to give users the best possible experience — consumers and search engines will favor you.

You got this:

Your business can capture consumer attention and stand out online. Creating content and speaking informally with your audience strengthens your brand, while continually improving your SEO. Ultimately, an effective marketing formula can make your business or organization, “Remarkably Uncommon” among the competition. Take it from us — we have been helping clients strategize for more than 55 years.

Reach out to have our seasoned team start configuring your winning marketing formula! Contact Randy McDaniels at or call 309-346-7412.


McD Marketing

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