Reaching the digital generation takes savvy, creativity and flexibility. Much like the generation itself. Where do you start – or click? Previously, a tactical mix of TV, radio, direct mail, brochures, calls, requests for appointments and newsletters would deliver results. Today, it takes searches and blogs, online research, social networks, a website, a following (on social networks) and reviews or likes (social buzz).
Source: The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project Local News Survey, January 12-25, 2011. N=2,251 adults, ages 18 and older, including 750 cell phone interviews. Interviews conducted in English and Spanish. Margin of error for the total sample is plus or minus 2.4 percentage points. An asterisk (*) indicates a significant difference at the 95% confidence level.
Source: US Digital Future in Focus, comScore March 2014
It’s worth including search engine marketing – to the tune of 11.9 billion Google searches per month! Target specific regions or reaches, and reach potential customers at the precise moment they’re looking for information – your information.
In fact, it’s the second largest search engine in the U.S., with more than 3 billion searches each month. And, almost 50% of internet users are on YouTube. It can be an information source to discuss key topics, promote core services, enhance organic search results, reach a younger audience. YouTube gets over 1 billion visitors a month.
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