About Us

Remarkably Uncommon since 1966.

McDaniels Marketing is a close-knit, creative marketing team that has a love for telling stories. While we may have an occasional office chair race or like to recreate iconic scenes from movies (yes, there’s video proof), our team continually brings it for our clients. Whether you’re in travel and tourism, healthcare, agriculture or financial services, McDaniels Marketing is known for knocking it out of the park and getting results. But we also help boost marketing for businesses that are ready to take their efforts to a new level, too! Regardless of your industry or service, the list of projects McDaniels has rocked proves that brand authenticity, strong creative and a strategic mix of digital and traditional media works. By joining forces with us, we’ll work together to make people stand up and take notice of your business. We are seasoned, tested, proven. 

The Story of McDaniels

Eugene W. McDaniels first opened our doors in 1966. This set in motion the hands-on approach and work ethic that still makes McDaniels Marketing a great place to work and do business with today. That’s because your vision is our vision. Your success is our success. And it’s paid off for us. We have a long list of highly satisfied clients. Our employees love working together. We’ve received numerous accolades for our award-winning work. And we continue to expand our business as we are leaders and experts in every market we serve.

Our Specialties

How We Work 

Whether it’s on the phone or in an email, you’ll always have a direct line to someone who works on your account. We also love to hear the ideas and insight you have about your brand. That means you’ll have plenty of chances to brainstorm with us and get excited about the impact your marketing will make. Here’s a quick overview of our process and how we craft a story that’s authentic to your business to help you reach your marketing goals.

Step 1: Collect & Review
We’ll talk to your team, gather existing plans and information, do our research and evaluate the environment and trends related to your specific industry and competitors. Then we’ll package our findings in a Situational/SWOT analysis to give you a bird’s-eye view of your brand’s current impact.

Step 2: Research & Strategy
McDaniels Marketing also helps you identify niche market opportunities. We’ll help you weigh/value your top market draw and determine profitability and market size to help you rank resource allocation.

Step 3: Develop a Plan
Your final marketing plan will include measurable objectives, strategies, creative direction, tactics, budgets and timelines. Having a road map of defined campaign tactics, initiatives and assessment metrics is key to marketing success.

Step 4: Assess Outcomes
Every marketing piece works together to tell your whole story. So we’ll look at various metrics to give you a complete picture of how our combined marketing efforts have made an impact. This includes: website traffic, social media engagement, inquiries, customer/visitor volume and market share growth.

Our Team

Strategists, writers, designers, videographers, media buyers, programmers, project managers, animators — McDaniels Marketing is a fun-loving team of creative thinkers. So if you like working with a partner who can keep delivering integrated campaigns that stand out and make an impact — you’ve just found your match. We listen, do our homework, apply our industry expertise, craft messages that are authentic and put together plans that get people talking about your brand.

Randy McDaniels

President/Account Executive

Randy McDaniels

President/Account Executive

Randy has been immersed in all things marketing his entire life — his dad built this agency from the ground up. But taking over the family business didn’t come easy. Randy worked his way through the agency wearing the hat of copywriter, producer, media buyer and account executive before becoming President. His keen sense of industry trends helps him lead his team in creating innovative, well-crafted messages that get results. But the end-product isn’t the only thing that’s important to him. Don’t be surprised if he calls you for lunch or simply checks to see how things are going — and if you caught last’s night game — because at the end of the day, it’s relationships that count.

Beth Geier

Chief Operating Officer

Beth Geier

Chief Operating Officer

Armed with decades of marketing planning,  media buying, script writing, blogging, event coordination and more, Beth is the right person to jump in anywhere our clients need, whether they’re a global manufacturer or the cutest little river town you ever did see! Of course, she’ll always make time to chase down a desert sunset, meticulously planning the best spots and times to watch the sun fade beneath the sands of the American Southwest. That just shows off her ability to create a plan and execute it — plus a healthy mix of tenacity. She’s got her thumb on what is trending and works in the current market and will go out of her way to deliver the goods for our clients — even if it means painstakingly scoping out the desert horizon.

MacKenzie Taylor

Vice President of Account Services

MacKenzie Taylor

Vice President of Account Services

Marketing is a lot like softball — to win, it takes a team of individuals with varying talents and abilities working together. And like a catcher calling pitches and organizing defenders from behind the plate, MacKenzie relishes the freedom inherent in her career to manage and lead a team to victory (as well as classic footwear and a generous scoop of coffee ice cream with fudge swirls). Every client presents an opportunity for her to use (Barbie-worthy) styles and techniques gained from the experience of working with many different industries like agriculture, tourism, and nonprofits. MacKenzie’s passion and outgoing demeanor enables her to seemingly teleport between each client to develop tailored, immersive marketing strategies that transform and elevate their brands to a new stratosphere.

Hilary Frank

Account Manager

Hilary Frank

Account Manager

The most fundamental element of any good book — or sappy Hallmark movie, for that matter — is the excitement of wondering what comes next. In this latest and, dare we say, most exciting chapter of her own story, Hilary leaves clients on the edge of their seat, eagerly anticipating the next page in their marketing strategy. And believe us, we’ve skipped ahead — you’re going to love it. With a kindhearted and adventurous spirit, Hilary relishes the chance to craft a marketing strategy for your brand and make you the main character of your own hero’s journey.

Bridget Norman

Account Manager, Media & PR Director

Bridget Norman

Account Manager, Media & PR Director

A strong background in public relations, psychology and ballet helps Bridget navigate even the toughest challenges with grace. Yes, her plié is perfect, but what really stands out is Bridget’s ability to not only identify what your target market is thinking, but also how to relay the stories you want them to hear. Throw in her love for spontaneity, TikTok and visiting new places and it’s not too hard to figure out how Bridget keeps up with the trends. So, give us the deets on your next big scoop and let Bridget help you lay out the best plan for success. (Disclaimer: Kardashian memes may be included free of charge.)

Kate McDaniels Baumann

Marketing Consultant

Kate McDaniels Baumann

Marketing Consultant

Say what you will about her obsessive love of horses and need for Italian sandals — Kate is a true marketing genius. From her early designer days at McDaniels Marketing to a 30-plus-year run of leading marketing efforts for multimillion-dollar companies, Kate has come a long way from reading to a group of mesmerized chickens at her grandma’s house. Over the years her audience may have changed, but her ability to enthrall the masses hasn’t. Kate thrives on innovation, knows how to strategically attack projects and gain results, and loves helping B2B and B2C businesses exceed their goals. So, bring us your marketing challenge and let Kate start working her marketing magic.

Morgan McDaniels

Art Director

Morgan McDaniels

Art Director

Maybe she was born with it, or maybe she’s simply developed some mad design skills from years of hanging around the agency (and/or her degree from ISU). Whatever the reason, there’s one thing we know for certain: Morgan kicks out some seriously awesome designs for our clients. She’s not just in it to make things look pretty, either (although we know she means business when she shows up in her black, pointed-toe boot heels). Every design choice she makes — even down to a simple line — helps grab attention and connect with your target market. And if her inspiration boards on Pinterest and Instagram say anything about what is to come… well, let’s just say you should be excited she’s on our team.

Jeff Wagnaar

Art Director

Jeff Wagnaar

Art Director

From tabletop gaming miniatures to space westerns to stacks of coffee table books, Jeff draws creative inspiration from a myriad of sources. This incredibly wide range is reflected in the award-winning designs and illustrations Jeff provides for his clients. Logo design, animation, layout… There’s no graphical component Jeff can’t tackle to help visualize your organization’s mission and message, taking your marketing strategy into hyperspace. So, whether you’re a multinational company or just a small startup making your way across the galaxy, you can trust Jeff to craft your organization’s image with the expertise, convenience and care he puts into all his hobbies.

Avery Rainwater

Graphic Designer

Avery Rainwater

Graphic Designer

A love for horticulture has made Avery patient and meticulous in her work. After all, a good design takes plenty of care and attention to finer details and a keen eye is needed when nurturing an idea into a blossoming work of art. With an open, adventurous attitude, Avery sees the world as a constant learning experience. And while graphic design may not come with the daredevil excitement of, oh say, jumping out of an airplane, Avery sees the opportunity to constantly research new methods and approaches to graphic design as a thrill in its own right.

Dimitra Procopos

Graphic Designer

Dimitra Procopos

Graphic Designer

Cranking out Remarkably Uncommon designs is a constant learning experience — as far as Dimitra’s concerned, that’s A-OK. After all, when you have a passion for learning and draw inspiration from as many sources as she does — from her mother’s floral arrangements to the quirky elegance of her favorite actress, Audrey Hepburn — you’re bound to pick up a few new ideas along the way. A curious mind leads Dimitra down a rabbit hole of research, beginning with the big picture before filling in the finer details later and resulting in masterpieces as stylish and stunning as Ms. Hepburn.

Brandi Nichole


Brandi Nichole


The best part about shooting videos is meeting so many interesting people and immersing in fascinating destinations — for Brandi, that’s a part of the job that never gets old. Whether her camera is planted firmly on the ground or taking to the skies (she’s got a commercial drone license!), Brandi is passionate about exploring and telling powerful stories that evoke a wide range of emotions, fueled by a mild obsession with breakfast cereals. So, no matter where a client is at in the planning process — brainstorming or storyboarding — Brandi can take even the most abstract idea and pour her creative spirit into it until it’s a part of a balanced marketing strategy.

Dave Schuette

Website & Digital Media Developer

Dave Schuette

Website & Digital Media Developer

From designing fully responsive websites across desktop and mobile to creating jaw-dropping animations that masterfully tell the story of your organization — and even a Christmas-based video game here and there — this agency veteran is a multimedia master. With some seriously awesome illustration skills plus a wealth of experience in digital CMS platforms including Wordpress and Webflow, Dave lends his critical eye for detail to every project he does, focusing on the big picture and how everything works together.

Kim Weaver

Senior Copywriter

Kim Weaver

Senior Copywriter

Known for spinning a tale or two for the merriment of others, Kim brings her refreshing writing style, easy smile and magnetic personality to every account she works on at McDaniels. In fact, one of her main goals when taking on a new project is to tell your story — in as few words as possible — so she can draw readers in without overwhelming them. From out-there creative to professional reports, this veteran writes as if she’s talking to your customers rather than at them. She’s also one of our experts on SEO writing, matching her right-brained creativity with the left-brained science of getting more results.

Dylan Polk

Creative Copywriter

Dylan Polk

Creative Copywriter

Since he was a kid, Dylan knew he wanted to be a writer. Starting with small-town papers and moving to more creative agency work, Dylan’s love has only grown for the profession. Calculated and creative, Dylan puts a little bit of his fun-loving, Simpsons-obsessed personality into elevating client work. Something he’ll claim is just his job, we say is downright magical. From blogs, SEO, SEM and social media management, he brings his wide range of experiences (and a mild coffee obsession) to help him write meaningful and creative copy for our clients.

Jeff Ericksen

Creative Strategist

Jeff Ericksen

Creative Strategist

Uncommon problems require creative solutions. And with a passion for creating things that have never been seen or done before, Jeff draws inspiration from the world around him — a song, a conversation, or just the scenery through his windshield on a long car trip — to come up with unique and eye-catching campaigns infused with a bit of his sardonic wit. But his client work isn’t the only thing elevated by his steadfast and curious demeanor. Jeff relishes the opportunity to elevate his peers as well as teaching his craft to the marketing pros of tomorrow at colleges and universities around Milwaukee!

Dane LaMere

Creative Copywriter

Dane LaMere

Creative Copywriter

Bringing decades of advertising experience to the table, Dane understands how the passage of time causes certain assets to appreciate like a fine wine or a stunning antique. Having written for both small agencies and nationwide brands — including molding creative minds for one of the largest insurance companies in the world — Dane uses his wealth of knowledge to craft memorable messages that capture the essence of your brand. Approaching each project like a puzzle, Dane identifies the challenge before letting the world fade away as ideas flow in. And the result? Kickass, award-winning marketing.

James Hover

Web Development Director

James Hover

Web Development Director

When it comes to building your website, you want to have someone on your side that loves to take hundreds of moving pieces, pull them all together and package it with a big, red bow. Lucky for you, that person is Jim. Some might say he’s been perfecting these skills for decades with his love of science, crossword puzzles, Super Mario worlds and nerd-level deck-building games. But no matter the source, he’s definitely able to tap into the Force. He’ll help you launch a website that has been expertly built, relentlessly tested and 100% delivers the very best user experience to help you reach your goals. He’s also got a few years of teaching high schoolers under his belt, so rest easy knowing you’ll have all the tools and training you need to effortlessly manage your new site.

Jenna Ferrell

Digital Marketing Consultant

Jenna Ferrell

Digital Marketing Consultant


With a desire to see sustainable organizations and businesses succeed — and lots and lots of coffee — Jenna is driven to take your digital marketing to all-new heights, from SEO to PPC to social media and everything in between. She can look at your online presence and with a keen, analytical mind, determine the best course of action for your organization to reach its full online potential. But she doesn’t stop there — Jenna will carefully tend to your online presence, constantly looking for new, exciting ways to make it bigger and better than before. After all, evolution is the nature of the internet and Jenna is always ready to help your digital strategy evolve and align with the trends.

Zach Singleton

SEO Specialist

Zach Singleton

SEO Specialist


Zach understands the importance of telling a good story. In fact, a story can be found anywhere — even something like a mix CD can transport a reader to another time and place. That’s why Zach puts so much time and energy into your website, ensuring your online presence is telling the story of your brand and is properly optimized so people can find it. Adaptable and committed, Zach immerses himself in every project with the same daring attitude that may prompt one to leap recklessly into the chilled waters beneath a bridge in Berlin — er, not that Zach would know anything about that, of course.

Tess Raschert

Digital Marketing Specialist

Tess Raschert

Digital Marketing Specialist

With an uncanny ability to adapt to any situation, Tess is a sort of shapeshifter — a helpful superpower, given the ever-changing landscape that is digital. Of course, a keen, analytic eye for what works in digital advertising helps when developing campaigns that really move the needle for your brand and help you stand out in an ever-evolving online marketplace. And doing so takes skill and patience — like rock climbing through the Swiss Alps or teaching a dog to dance — but with an easygoing and laid-back demeanor, Tess welcomes the challenge of taking your digital strategy to even higher peaks.

Jalen Craglione

Digital Marketing Specialist

Jalen Craglione

Digital Marketing Specialist

Ever had a band you followed from the very beginning and watched proudly as they hit the big time? That perfectly describes how we’ve watched Jalen’s professional development. Beginning his time at McD as a Bradley University intern and now as a full-time Digital Marketing Specialist, we’ve always admired how Jalen keeps his rhythm in a flexible and fast-paced environment. Like his favorite Italian plumber, Jalen is persistent and flexible, adapting to any situation and project the same way Super Mario himself can go from hero of the Mushroom Kingdom to Dale Earnhardt-caliber kart racer. And with a proven track record of high-quality, entertaining digital content, Jalen is passionate about leveling up the connections between you and your audience.

Maddy Jones

Marketing Production Specialist

Maddy Jones

Marketing Production Specialist


Getting ahead of a crowded field of competitors takes speed, intelligence and determination. Out of the gate, Maddy displays all those characteristics along with an inquisitive nature that leads her to discovering all-new ways to maximize workplace efficiencies. Maddy understands organization is the key to ensuring the most intricate machinations operate smoothly and efficiently. With a knack for bridging relationships between people, Maddy makes sure the finer details of each project aren’t just left in the dust but remain firmly in focus through the finish line. It may not be as easy as kicking back with a generous slice of dark chocolate cake amid the pastel palette of Portofino, but hey, the path to the winner’s circle, world domination and/or amassing a Tommy Wiseau-like following is rarely a cakewalk.

Kim Aldus

Accounts Receivable & Facilities Manager

Kim Aldus

Accounts Receivable & Facilities Manager

What does it take to reach the rank of seventh degree blackbelt? If you ask Kim, it takes hard work, patience and discipline. Kim applies those same principles to her kwoon right here in the office. Her calm, collected attitude ensures accurate invoices for our clients and keep our operations running smoothly at 11 Olt Ave. With a penchant for skydiving and riding motorcycles — or jumping them over pickup trucks — Kim brings an exciting, fun-loving attitude to the McDaniels team.

Kimba Jean-Jane McDaniels

Morale Booster

Kimba Jean-Jane McDaniels

Morale Booster





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