Ohio Soybean Council

Works // 09.30.2023 // Ohio Soybean Council

Ohio Soybean Council

Social media was an integral part of the farmer sell-back campaign that we have created and managed during FY23. This campaign was designed to better inform soybean farmers in the state of Ohio about the value of the soybean checkoff and the ROI that it is delivered back to them every year.


Educate farmers about the work their checkoff is doing and help them to see the value of their checkoff investment.


Soybean growers in Ohio with an emphasis on those age 18–44.


Beyond standard communications metrics and KPIs, the Ohio Soybean Council has the following specific goals:

  • Maintain or exceed 70% approval of the checkoff among Ohio soybean growers
  • Increase percentage of growers who report engagement with the soybean checkoff
  • Increase percentage of growers who consider themselves advocates for the soybean checkoff
  • Decrease percentage of growers who would request their soybean checkoff dollars back


  • Organic and paid social media strategy
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter

Supported by Google display ads, YouTube Pre-roll advertising; state newspaper and radio network advertising


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